Uruguay to the World

Thursday 12 May 2011

Yesterday, Wednesday, at 20:30pm it took place the first event called "Uruguay to the World", to mark the Bicentenary of the country. It was organized by Juan Herrera Producciones and Sheraton Montevideo Hotel, in order to honor and reward individuals, companies and organizations that have influenced throughout their career, to position our country as an ideal place to visit, invest, vacation and live in.

31 awards were given, one of which was awarded to the Engineer Eduardo Campiglia who wants to share it with the entire team of Campiglia Construcciones, since it is thanks to all that many projects may materialize and that we continue to grow with our values: respect, trust, quality, experience and long-term investment.

We have been building for over 32 and we will continue to do it, as our logo says, for a better country.