Tuesday 13 August 2013

"Uruguay is a small country, offers great diversity... colonial cities, beautiful beach and Spa villages, small rural towns and the sophistication of Montevideo." And besides all this, the cost of living is affordable." Thus begins the article posted on the popular web site Huffington Post; It states that those who choose to retire in Uruguay spend between 2,000 or 4,000 dollars per month, while most of those interviewed by the portal already have their homes and do not have to pay rent.

The Huffpo points out that it is not difficult to get legal in the country residence, although it is not particularly fast processing. The article explains what the different categories of visas that can access who decides to settle in Uruguay, which include one for retirees, who must prove that they have enough heritage to solve their life.

Among the "sprints" that emphasizes the note is the fact that it is possible to import all the furniture and equipment of a house in the United States, without paying taxes, even before you grant residence.

The Huffington Post defines to Uruguay as a country "tax friendly" (tax-friendly), who moved here just owe taxes only on the sources of income generated in Uruguay. Those generated abroad, including work on the Internet that is made in Uruguay, should not pay taxes.  Among the most favorable elements of Uruguay, the article focuses on health services. "In what has to do with the quality and costs of health, Uruguay services really shines. Here everyone is entitled to be assisted through the national health system, which includes foreign residents".

It also praises the quality of private services, which include all kinds of procedures, although it warns that many have limitations for persons 60 years and older.

Source: El Observador